
Raised in the City of Dundee, Alastair was educated at Morgan Academy. Thereafter he attended King’s College, University of Aberdeen, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws Degree and Post Graduate Diploma in Professional Legal Practice (back when Lawyers still wrote with quills!)
For almost 40 years Alastair practised law as a Solicitor and Notary Public in and around the city of Dundee. The study of city title deeds could often be fascinating and frequently lead to much further historic research. Alastair was a Partner in one of Dundee’s oldest legal firms (established in 1868) for many years, before finally retiring as a Consultant, in 2019.
When not working, he devoted much spare time to the private study of history and to playing Saxophone in - and listening to - local bands, Dundee having a very vibrant music scene.
Alastair is a Patron of the City’s wonderful McManus Museum and Art Gallery. For around the last 10 years he has been variously: a volunteer at that Museum’s Collections Unit; an assistant at the Medieval Old Steeple on open days (232 windy steps to the top); and for several years principally as a Volunteer Guide on RRS Discovery. Since retiring Alastair continues to volunteer and works hard to ensure the success of Dundee Waterfront Walks. It is hoped that tour guests will be enthused then go on to enjoy everything that this wonderful, friendly and cultured city has to offer.